The Palace Royal

A place to discuss the finer things in life: true conservatism, Prince, Pittsburgh sports, white chocolate, anything vanilla, Reality TV, 80's/90's TV, and anything else I deem appropriate.

Location: Pittsburgh, PA, United States

I am a worker in the labor movement, a Ph.D. candidate at the University of Tennessee, and generally a GGTK.

Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Happy Wrong Number by the Sea

Have you ever looked back at television that you used to watch while you were growing up and thought about how ridiculous it looked? In my case, it's television that I still watch. The show in immediate question is "Saved By The Bell", which I still catch every morning at 7 and 7:30 on TBS.

This morning, I watched the first episode of the summer working at the Malibu Sands Beach Club. The thing that bothered me was when that dude (Norman) was drowing in the Pacific, and Kelly called out to him to warn him, then went to save him. Did you see how far out in the ocean Norman was? He had to have been in water about four feet deep...FOUR FEET! How ridiculous is that? Kelly tried to explain it away by saying that there was a "strong undertow"...yeah, that's gonna make me drown in four feet...and I can't even swim well.

Also in this episode in the convenient way that they do not explain how the group gets into the Club after hours. They did not have Stacy or Mr. Carosi (Crotchety, Grossi, Caress-me, or whatever name Zach would use to anger him) on their side, and it is hard to believe that they would be given keys to the place within their first week of employment.

Another point is how the cake says "Happy Wrong Number by the Sea". I know that Jessie screwed up on the phone numerous times, to avoid giving away the fact that they were throwing this party. However, the bakers in this episode are portrayed as morons for their inability to realize what is going on, and decorate a cake correctly. If I were a baker, I would be furious with this portrayal.

Ok, so I know I'm overanalyizing and you are probably getting ready to lambaste me with your opinion. Please do so; I look forward to hearing it. Just remember this about Mr. Belding: "Dennis can drink. You walk in to his dressing room and he's with 4 or 5 girls and all of a sudden it's you who is saying 'hey hey hey hey hey what is going on here'?"


Blogger Keith said...

Maybe I totally agree with your point. There's about a 100% chance that I watched Saved By The Bell daily when getting ready as well. I too watched the Summer Club episode. There were several things out of place:

1.) Mr. Carosi hitting on everyone to make them, "feel at home" at his club. This would never stand, he would have been sued for harrassment a long time ago ... harr ass ment ... haha.

2.) That extra line of humor that is always bad. Like Lisa saying, "I'm fashionable, busy, and have to shop. I have to be on time too." Decent humor there. Then she walks away making a corny / unneeded facial gesture and says something like, "Geez what do you expect from me."

3.) The episode that was on yesterday about the band. They name their band ... THE ZACH ATTACK. First of all they ask me to believe they suddenly find this talent for a band, although it never existed in any other episode.

4.) Second of all they were dangerously close to being like California Dreaming.

5.) They sound HORRIBLE AND THEIR SONGS ARE SO CHEESY! How does everyone love them? Oh wait I described like the Backstreet Boys and 98000 degrees.

Good thoughts Josh. How did we miss these as a kid? Why do we still watch them as older kids?

Oh well can't wait till 7:00 tomorrow.

11:35 AM  
Blogger Josh said...

I gotta be honest. I kinda like the song that Zack and Mindy wrote together without the group (Let's Stay Together). If the rest of the group wasn't so dumb and just went with the flow, that totally could have been a #1 hit, besides for the fact that the whole thing never really happened (because it was a dream of Zack's) and the whole thing never happened (because it was a TV show).

11:40 AM  
Blogger Keith said...

It just baffled me that Zach had a dream like that. Although props to him because Mindy is pretty slamming hot for a music manager. But the song friends forever is soooooo gay. As is the one that Screech, AC, and Kelly wrote just before the break up. It has the synthesized beats something like, "School is cool and fun but take it out in the sun duh duh da duh da ..."

And where the heck was Jesse in that dream? What did she not have musical talent? I'm so confused.

11:48 AM  

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